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Alexandros Kalampokas

Alexandros Kalampokas

Bringing forth the experience of an accomplished Naval Architect & Marine Engineer, with several years of experience in the Marine Industry, Alexandros Kalampokas holds the position of Injegov’s Managing Director. His studies at the University of Glasgow, incorporating elements of mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, maintenance, and operation of marine vessels and structures, embody an excellent coordinator of Injegov’s Technical Department.
Motortech spark plugs

Motortech spark plugs

MOTORTECH spark plugs with high-efficiency offer all kinds of gas engine spark plugs with special electrode materials or even new firing end designs.

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Gas engine spark plugs

Gas engine spark plugs

From common spark plugs and X-shape spark plugs to prechamber spark plugs, INJEGOV can supply any spark plugs for any industrial gas engine.

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PowerUp spark plugs

PowerUp spark plugs

PowerUP offers gas engine components exclusively developed and designed to improve the lifetime of spare parts and the overall engine performance.

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